When it arrived, I delighted in such a beautiful unboxing experience. Seeing the loving care that went into creating and packing this filled me with joy! Super excited and curious, I laid it on a special place on my altar to await the time I could create intentional space to be with it's magic.
That time has come and I am super excited to share more!
Playing the Game!
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We laid out Sacred Sex Game on our bed to begin! |
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Original painting, life-size mural by Leslie Blackburn |
After we laid out the board and cards, chose our crystal pieces, and selected our scorekeeper - we played the game together.
Things that delighted me about Sacred Sex Game:
Sinking in with the dedicated time with my Love. It took us awhile to be able to create this time and that was intentional. We knew we wanted to give the game experience the time and space it deserved. This is what I encourage for you to do! When you decide to commit the time to really sink-in with your partner and a conscious experience, magic happens. Create that time and space for Sacred Sex Game or any experience you wish to hold sacred (lovemaking, a meal, a shared conversation), don't just rush into or through it! We took the time, we carved it away. Through that, we got this really beautiful connection time. We learned some new things and we reaffirmed some things about each other.
Delightful aha moments!:
Then my card suggested the Riding the Tiger posture and that we could do this clothed or nude. We chose nude and invited a full-on penetrative experience and it was so powerful. I noticed it couldn't have happened the same way without the card prior having opened my gates!
And I loved that: the spiritual synchronicity in the game of "what needs to arise here" and the setting of intention. While the game didn't word it as "setting intention", I believe that in identifying of blocks ahead of time there is an intention set that happens that guides the game to meet those and gently release them.
I love the guidance into really conscious communication.
Conscious communication is so core to my journey with my partner and I, and it was really beautiful to be affirmed in all the pieces. I felt times of "oh yes that is a part of what we do! oh yes I do that daily! oh yes how cool to really celebrate these things that we do for ourselves and do with each other and do on our own for our own practice!" AND it was beautiful to notice the ones that weren't so easy. A feeling of "oh yes that is a place I could work with, yes I feel I could do that differently". It was important to gently meet those too.
Sacred Sex Game is inspiring and supportive by offering gentle instructions to bring these conscious ways of connecting into our awareness.
Repattern the Old "Board Game" Days
What I also liked is the way that this game repatterns the old competitive scripts of board gaming. When I grew up, board games were huge in my family. Yet those days were filled with competition - who gets to go first, who is faster, bigger or better that someone else. It was a time where I learned to rush. Or to feel "I can't wait until it's my turn so I can get ahead" Or "bummer I have to wait through someone else's turn how boring".
Instead, in Sacred Sex Game, there is an excitement for both of us through each turn! I was like "Oh yay it's your turn! Oh yay it's my turn! Oh yay it's your turn!" I felt excitement for every piece of the experience, to see what the cards would invite next. To stand up and dance, to honor our senses, to breathe, or to share a deeply powerful conversation. I felt a real delight in the togetherness that was encouraged. Especially seeing that affirmed in the final phase of the game. In the final stage, there is a center circle (which is the Sri Yantra, a power visual representation of sacred sexuality! Yay! Such a gift, and totally connected with my heart!). The person who has already landed there now does the rolling of the dice for the next person - literally calling in and beckoning their partner - "yes yes come to me, join me!" It's not like "I did it first, I won". It is a "yes let's do this together"! It invites us to explore how we can put our energy into both reaching this experience together, which I believe is an important shift in board gaming. I was really thrilled to see that come in, not knowing ahead of time how this might end!

We noticed near the end I was fading a little bit, (we hadn't eaten yet, so I got up to juice some celery) which was
a reminder to be really conscious and we took a pause for a moment so I could get what I needed and then we came back to it and finished the game. And now we are excited to complete the Elixir (which we did in the days following and delighted in!)!
Thoughts from Dixon: "I thought it was yummy, I really enjoyed playing. I don't often really enjoy board games - I feel like they are time killers - like this thing that just fills time because we don't know what else to do. I have not, in years, had a good association with a board game. And HERE I DID! It was great, I delighted in sharing Sacred Sex Game with you!"
Repatterning Unconscious Sex Games
Another repatterning for me was about the idea of playing a "sex game". In my past, as I was in unconscious relationships, we sometimes explored playing a random "sex game", some erotic board game marketed to make your sex life juicier or something to that effect. I would think, "oh this is going to help us be sexy or exciting". My partner or I would have some expectation of what we thought it should be. It would end up instead as a miserable experience involving a lot of alcohol and numbing. Or it might be that I felt like I had to drag my partner into it, and it ended up not being as exciting as I thought it was going to be. Sacred Sex Game is different, the creators are conscious beings in conscious partnership and that shows through quite clearly! Instead, I released all expectations in my experience with Sacred Sex Game, and my partner and I simply met the shared experience together and followed it. I surrendered into the experience and delighted in the results!
Co-creating Sacred Space
I was also delighted in my partner's capacity to meet me with it and to be present together to really take the time, to be serious about it and explore it. Rather than "oh I will just do it because you want me to", and not really show up. Instead it was lovely to both be committed to exploring, we had planned the time together and dedicated the time together.Dixon and I do that a lot with what we do in life: setting intentional spaces. I think that is key in life in general, and especially in conscious partnerships. It takes both of us to co-create the sacred space. The sacred space we co-created together is part of what made our positive experience with Sacred Sex Game possible.
One thing I would change about the game:
The one thing I would invite could be different is the imagery on the posture cards to be more inclusive to all partnering configurations of any race, color, age, size, gender identity or sexual preference. I sense that the intention of inclusiveness is there in the overall energy of the game, which I am glad to see. And I acknowledge the difficulty in creating an image that covers such a wide rainbow range of our human journey. For players, I invite holding the awareness of masculine and feminine energies as "energies" available in us all, no matter how we identify in gender (Click to listen to my radio podcasts on Sacred Feminine ~ Sacred Masculine or Gender - A New Model). Then as you play the game, dance in those energies in all the ways that delight you, regardless of what you think it "should" look like!Recommendation
Based on my personal experience and as a professional in the field of Sacred Sexuality, I highly recommend Sacred Sex Game as a way to build and deepen conscious partnership. I have already recommended it to couples (of any gender identity and sexual preference) that I work with in my practice, and will continue to do so.
Invest in yourself and your partnership! Acquire Sacred Sex Game, and co-create the sacred space to play it intentionally. It is worth the investment in yourself!
#sacredsexuality #sacredbody #sacredgeometry #sriyantra #beyou #sexualsovereignty #empowerment #conscious #connection #communication #partnership #intimacy @sacredsexgame
I am so happy that you brought the Sacred Sex Game into your bedroom and into your lives! Knowing that this was such a beautiful experience for you both, makes my heart sing and gives me joy to know that through your play, it will fall into the hands of many other deserving lovers. Love to you both, and to all of us on our paths of sacred sexuality!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Leslie! I just listened to you speak on the rockstar revival summit, and you're awesome! I am going to start following you! I love this review of the game and i'm going to buy it pronto!! Can you speak a bit more about how to "co-create sacred space" with your partner? Or maybe you have a blog post about it already. I appreciate what you are doing in the world!!
ReplyDeleteHi Kassia! Thanks so much for sharing and asking! I do share much more about creating sacred space in various videos and podcasts at my website www.LeslieBlackburn.com Or reach out directly from there using email or my web form. Much love to you! Leslie
DeleteNew! Use coupon code blackburn2018 for $10 off Sacred Sex Game! It is good until the end of the year (12/31/2018). Namaste, Leslie Blackburn